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Ok, maybe I haven't researched enough yet, but is the only difficult thing about these eels the fact that it takes a bit to get them to eat?
I have been thinking about setting up a FOWLR tank as well, and this is on my wish list. So I am doing my research now.
I know I had a friend a couple years ago that had one, and it did very well for over a year until it went carpet surfing (he never figured out how it got out either).
I will be researching more, but if any one has some hands on with these, I am all ears.



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They do better in a reef. But I would avoid them all together. Poor survival rate in captivity.


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I just had one, after having it a week I returned it to the LFS. I could only get it to eat once. They are very hard to feed. If you have anything else in the tank you mostly likely will not get it to eat. It is my understanding that this is one of the most difficult eels to keep. I returned mine to the store and it is still alive after a month but is not lookin to good.


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I have been debating getting this and putting it in my reef. But I am not sure how quickly it would eat my shrimp. Of course the shrimp can be moved to the refugium. And I don't really have much else except a neon dottyback that is small enough for one of these to eat.

Marinelife, what did you get yours to eat?
And it would seem that one week is not really long enough of a time to acclimate them to different food.

Pete, are you saying this because they don't start to eat, or that even when they eat properly that they don't live long?

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