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Has any body used coralife ph calibration (10 and 7) I used it on my pinpoint and I find it hard to believe my tank is now at 8.46 before I recalibrated it was at 8.2 big jump which is right. I will get some pinpoint solution asap but did any body else notice this with coralife. does't really matter b/c every thing is still doing great.but I like to know


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I use coralife, and have had no problems, other than once you open the bottle, the shelf life is pretty damn short. I've since started putting the solution back in the bottle when I'm done with it.
Mind you, I've only calibrated twice, once when I got my CA reactor (6 months ago), and once when I bought new solution (3 months ago) I only bought new solution because my original 7 started to form black mold looking stuff in it.
The PH on my pinpoint matches the PH on my Aquarium Systems fasTest. (as close as I can tell, anyways)



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I thing Craig Bingman was the one to point out that the solution degrades rapidly once it is exposed to air. I think this only affects the 10.0 solution though. I used to use the coralife bottles, but have since switched to the one-time use packets. They seem to work better.



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It's hard to imagine pH fluid going bad unless it has been contaminated. Many manufactures distribute pH calibration fluid, but it is only there label on the package that makes it different from other products. In fact only a few companies actually produce the fluid. In other words, most of the fluids come from the same place.

It is quite possible that your pH meter was simply out of tune. It is recommended to recalibrate the meter weekly and never reuse the fluid. It is also important that you pour the fluid in little cups to test the meter. Never put your meter in the stock solution. Nothing is more accurate in testing pH than a properly calibrated digital pH meter.

As far as the black mold thing, the fluid had to be contaminated. pH fluid has a shelf life of two+ years and may lose it's ion charge, but mold is not a possibility unless it was contaminated. FYI, I use hospital grade cal fluid, which is no different from marine grade fluid. I only test monthly and my pinpoint is usally off by 0.1 to 0.5. When I first started, I ??ed it's performance and checked at the hospital I work at. It was right on cue with the $2000 machines!


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Apparently, the pH calibration fluids sold in the United States are all derived from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard pH solutions. (I believe this explains why we Yanks use calibration solutions which have pH values of 4.0, 7.0 and 10.0, instead of the 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0 solutions commonly used is Europe, where the use of pH meters for aquariums originated.)

Assuming that bit about NIST solutions to be true, the big enemy of old calibration fluids would be CO2 absorbed from the air, which acts like an acid in the calibration fluid just as it does in out tanks.

The pH 4.0 solution should hold its pH value very well over time, as it should be almost totally immune to absorbing CO2. Its pH is already close to the pH point at which all dissolved CO2 in the water is already either CO2 or H2CO3. So, absorbing more CO2 won't materially affect it.

The pH 7.0 standard is somewhat more susceptible to absorbing CO2 from the surrounding air, since it really wants to be at pH 4.0, too.

The real CO2-absorbance casualty among calibration fluids is the pH 10.0 standard solution. It's made from sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, and it really wants to absorb CO2 and make acid out of it. Once it's been opened, its pH starts to fall immediately and it falls rapidly. (Don't breathe on it too much, either.) An open bottle that was right at 10.0 when opened will be 9.4 or even less in very short order -- a few days or weeks.

Using old or previously opened pH 10.0 fluid to calibrate your pH electrodes will bias your meter high, by an amount proportional to how far below 10.0 the fluid was. (This probably explains the apparent jump up in the pH of your water, matthew.)

If you want the best value for your buck and accurately-calibrated pH meters, buy the little one-time-use foil packs -- especially for the 10.0 fluid. Buy only what you will use in a year or so, and don't accept any that will be more than 2 years old for the 4.0 and 7.0, or more than 1 year old for the 10.0, at the time when you will get around to using them.

Remember, the shelf-life starts when the stuff is made, not when you buy it.

By the way, the best way to calibrate a meter is at two points on either side of the pH you plan to measure. That means 4.0 and 7.0 for you freshwater tank keepers, and 7.0 and 10.0 for us reefers and saltwater fish keepers. Some makes of meter reportedly require one or the other sets of fluids for calibration, regardless of what you plan to use it on.

It figures that we poor reefers would get saddled with the short-shelf-life, mean-tempered pH 10.0 calibration fluid....

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