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if your ick is that bad garlic may not work, there may be something else in the works that's causing your ick problem, like I mentioned in another post, I had a fatal ick problem and nothing worked, what ever the real problem was it took out 3 of my fish, if I was to go through it again I would set up a hospital tank for the poor guy's.
one thing that raises my eyebrows is the Chelated Copper, I have never used it nor do I know what it is, all I know is that copper does not go well with reef's.

sorry dude, I'm probably not much help.


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i'll make this quick. i suspect if you infact did add copper to your tank, you didn't add the correct dosage (you most likely underdoses), and i can say that i have never ever seen ich survive more than 3 days n the correct dosage of copper.
Do you have a copper test kit, and daily ensured you a had the appropiate dose of copper?
Last point, if this is a reef tank, then your already toast, but if this is just live rock, then you might want to consider hyposalinity.
If you have a decent hydrometer, slowly lower the salinity over 3 days to 1.009-1.010. and keep it there for 30days. The ich will die off in 5-10days, problem is if your ich is as bad as you say your fish are in serious trouble.
Garlic will not work at this point.
again if just fish and live rocks then do either copper(cupramine is the best IMO) or hypo. Both work


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My post on here comes as a last ditch effort to save my dieing Regal Tang and my Emperor Angel. I have ick that is not responding to chelated copper (CopperSafe brand) or Super Ick cure... which are both in my tank as of this point. The Emperor is alone in a smaller tank for now getting special treatment so that he can stay away from the chaos that has fallen on my main system. This ick is not even responding (i.e not dropping off) to lengthy freshwater dips!
My salinity in the tank with the angel has been dropped to 1.016 and not much difference has been noticed. I am keeping the salinity in the main tank at its usual 1.023 to help fight nitrite toxicity. When I removed my live rock, my tank began to cycle once more!

I am getting very very very frustrated at this point. I am on my way to the general nutrition store right now to pick up some garlic for the tang. Will it work for the angel also?

What is a live rock safe treatment that is gonna kick this ick in the nut sack.

Please help. Hope is failing.

[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: MediaOne ]


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For a natural cure in a reef tank, you might try neon goby's. My Regal tank contracted what looked to be marine velvet. I added 2 neon goby's and within about 3 days all signs of the disease were gone (as well as a few of his scales) from them working him over. Been disease free ever since.

--- Ken


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adding a couple cleaner shrimp might do the trick, although, not in the tank you added copper to.

i had a fish with a pretty bad case of ick, and my cleaner shrimp ate it off the fish. it was like a car wash, the fish pulled up infront of the shrimp, he hopped on, and that was that. it took several days.

good luck...


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What hapenned to the old days of this board???

Copper in a reef??? Copper with Live Rock???

If you added copper to a tank with LR or inverts, everything in, on and around the liverock is now dead. All of your inverts are dead too.

Now how are you gonna get rid of the ick? Every once in a while one of my fish will get a small outbreak - I leave the tank alone and the ick is gone in a couple of days. How? Because my water is clean, the environment is suitable to the fish and there are no drastic changes from day to day in temp, ph, etc...

If these fish aren't getting over the ick, you may have bigger problems. Those are two prety big fish - I hope your tank is big enough for both (minimum of 100 gallons) other than that, lets hear the rest of your parameters so we can really help.


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