Recently i have seen a huge ammount of people attempting to defend the stocking level/bio load of their aquariums, when they are obviously beyond their limits. One of the first lessons i learnt in the hobby as a freshwater aquarist was the link between natural behaveour and stocking levels, especially when delecate fish are concerned.
It seems obvious to me now, but maybe i can enlighten a few souls to the delecate nature of animal husbandry and stocking levels.
This is not a question of Nitrites/Nitrates/Ammonium/Phosphate/Silicate or any of the other evils that plauge us as reef Aquarists. This is a question of "happy" fish. Beleve it or not the majority of fish, dare i say all, should swim with confidence and vitality. Its funny to think that every fish has the potential to look like the ones on the front of magizene covers and food packets. There fins should be expanded and proud, scales bright and shiny (not the sickly colours seen in some LFS), eyes alert and bright, you get the jist of it. Some of you may think you know what a happy fish looks like, i can tell you now that you wont have seen one at an LFS. You wont have seen one in your freinds identically overstocked tank. There may be a "few" examples you might have seen in a tank stocked to the correct level, but without the correct husbandry it will remain a "few" diamonds in the rough.
The correct definition of a "happy" animal would be one that is able to display all of its natural behaveour unhindered. This means being able to feed without being chased away by a disgruntled Damsel. This means being able to sleep without the peril of becoming a midnight snak. This also means being able to swim without constant bumping and avoidance. I bet theres not many people who can put their hands up and say EVERY fish in their aquarium displays ALL of the fore-mentioned attributes. Why people still continue to buy fish knowing that it will spend the rest of its life in recluse from its tankmates because their too rough. It may survive, it may eat like a pig given the opertunity, it may even display it finnage properly. But what im refering to are the little quirks, golden moments if you like. Pushing shells, digging, terratorial disputes of an acceptable level and many many more. All too often the fish look good, feed well and to all intents and purposes seem "happy". I feel that every fish should be provided with the opertunity to also seem "relaxed" not "dazed" there is a difference. What im trying to convey is the subtle behavyoural differences that produce charicter. Unfortunately most seem to think that a fish thats aggressive has allot of charicter because it chases all its tankmates, Or charicter because of the way it has to bolt out to snatch food from under the noses of unsuitable counterparts. This is why people get so into this hobby, its because of the subtlety of charicter - true personal charicter that these fish can develop, when comfortable and relaxed not just happy. We should all pledge to spoil our fish rotten, not to place them in an environment that will just suffice. There are many many fish out there, and i can assure you there is one right for your aquarium.
Do it right!!!!!!!!
ok im off the soap box now, happy husbandry.
It seems obvious to me now, but maybe i can enlighten a few souls to the delecate nature of animal husbandry and stocking levels.
This is not a question of Nitrites/Nitrates/Ammonium/Phosphate/Silicate or any of the other evils that plauge us as reef Aquarists. This is a question of "happy" fish. Beleve it or not the majority of fish, dare i say all, should swim with confidence and vitality. Its funny to think that every fish has the potential to look like the ones on the front of magizene covers and food packets. There fins should be expanded and proud, scales bright and shiny (not the sickly colours seen in some LFS), eyes alert and bright, you get the jist of it. Some of you may think you know what a happy fish looks like, i can tell you now that you wont have seen one at an LFS. You wont have seen one in your freinds identically overstocked tank. There may be a "few" examples you might have seen in a tank stocked to the correct level, but without the correct husbandry it will remain a "few" diamonds in the rough.
The correct definition of a "happy" animal would be one that is able to display all of its natural behaveour unhindered. This means being able to feed without being chased away by a disgruntled Damsel. This means being able to sleep without the peril of becoming a midnight snak. This also means being able to swim without constant bumping and avoidance. I bet theres not many people who can put their hands up and say EVERY fish in their aquarium displays ALL of the fore-mentioned attributes. Why people still continue to buy fish knowing that it will spend the rest of its life in recluse from its tankmates because their too rough. It may survive, it may eat like a pig given the opertunity, it may even display it finnage properly. But what im refering to are the little quirks, golden moments if you like. Pushing shells, digging, terratorial disputes of an acceptable level and many many more. All too often the fish look good, feed well and to all intents and purposes seem "happy". I feel that every fish should be provided with the opertunity to also seem "relaxed" not "dazed" there is a difference. What im trying to convey is the subtle behavyoural differences that produce charicter. Unfortunately most seem to think that a fish thats aggressive has allot of charicter because it chases all its tankmates, Or charicter because of the way it has to bolt out to snatch food from under the noses of unsuitable counterparts. This is why people get so into this hobby, its because of the subtlety of charicter - true personal charicter that these fish can develop, when comfortable and relaxed not just happy. We should all pledge to spoil our fish rotten, not to place them in an environment that will just suffice. There are many many fish out there, and i can assure you there is one right for your aquarium.
Do it right!!!!!!!!
ok im off the soap box now, happy husbandry.