hello peeps
my friend wants to start his own reef aquarium and I can tell he will stick to it.
can you guys give me links or recommend books about starting a reef for him?
Nick Dankin contradicts himself pereodicly throughout his book, but if you can desypher the balls then he's ok/ish, nah forget it. go with the first two.
Julian Sprung, and, though expensive, the books bij Fossa and Nilsen! Those are best! I have both, and I must admit that I use the books bij Fossa and Nilsen more, but they accomplish each other quite well...
For the price he won't find a better all around info and planning book than J. Tullock's "Natural Reef Aquariums". I've read tons and you won't get more bang for your buck.
Even for experienced people it's a good read; good philosophy behind it.
I second the motion on John Tullock's "Natural Reef Aquriums". I am a new reefer (don't even have a tank yet) and I recently finished Tullock's book. I highly recommend it. I am currently reading Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals" and Robert Fenner's "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" and would also recommend both of these. Your friend is definitely going about things the right way if he is reading and learning first. Get him on the boards also, they are a great source of information. Have a super day!
I would second Polo's recommendations. Those 3 stand out as far as value for money is concerned.
You may then want to consider the two Sprung & Delbeek "Reef Aquariums" volumes, but although they are often considered the standards in the reef field they're a little dated now.
As far as the others that are often mentioned I've ordered vol 1 of the Fossa & Nilsen "Modern Coral Reef Aquarium" so until I get it I can't comment but I know others rate them highly as a series.