When I make RO water it has very low PH. I use osmoprep to bring back the water quality. Should I add some buffer to it to rise PH? I am talking about top off water.
Please help.
Hello,I use buffer in all water that i replace,top off or water change in my fowlr, and i mix kalkwasser for the reef tank, unless i do a water change then i add a buffer.
The PH of PURE water is exactly 7.00.How are you measuring PH? If you are using an electronic PH meter you are getting "false" PH readings on RO/DI water. RO/DI water has a VERY low electrical conductivity that affects the accuracy of PH meters.Do a chemical test,you'll see it's very close to 7.00.
Just add your salt mix to the pure RO/DI water and it'll be fine.No osmo prep need.That stuff is bunk IMO.