Humu, I'm here. Yeah CORALFISH SUCK.
Coralfish are crap. They dont' really care or give a damn about their fish since they are importing so much. They trap them in containers, so small, not even 1 gallon of swimming space. very sad. I'd say a quart or so. And its not slow moving fish. Its flame angels.
You see HIPPO TANGS breathing hard, some floating. Wrasses are dead. Some fish picking at each-others.
wanna see dead fish? Go to the FRIDGE by the frozen food. Buckets of beautiful fishes all frozen and dead. why? mm. let me think.
I can only see the YELLOW TANGS being the best buy. hehe.. They are caught here, and they have abundant to choose from. Also tank-bred clowns. Thats the only way I'm assured of cynaide free. My 2 clowns have been with me for 2 years. And I couldn't even keep the other fish from CORALFISH over 2-3 months.
Humu, what types of new fish you saw at CORALFISH?
I was thinking about the BLUE CHROMIS too.
P.S. Its just so hard to trust LFS when there are so few. You just gotta get lucky sometimes, and just go w/ the flow... I know it sucks..
HUMU, where should we buy fishes now? I dont' even know what fish to get now. All I have are 2 TANK BRED clowns.