I leave the powerhead in it. If I'm doing a maintenance, the water mixes for only an hour or so, I start it mixing when I first arrive, and the water change is the last thing I do after I algae-wipe, clean skimmer, prune caulerpa, chat with my customer, etc!
At home, the water mixes anywhere from an hour to a week...if I've left it to mix more than a day or so, I'm sure to check SG because often it evaporates in the meantime. In that case, I top off with fresh RO, and let it mix a bit longer, then check the SG and use.
At home, the water mixes anywhere from an hour to a week...if I've left it to mix more than a day or so, I'm sure to check SG because often it evaporates in the meantime. In that case, I top off with fresh RO, and let it mix a bit longer, then check the SG and use.