I am in the process of swithching to a deep dand bed from my crushed coral/plenum. I have heard conflicting recomendations regarding the viability of a deep sand bed as a nitrogen reduction/waste processing system. I have read Dr. Ron's articles but have also heard that a bed made of oolitic sand over 2" deep is unnecessary and even can prodoce adverse results.
So, I would like to hear from anyone sho actually has a 4"-5" deep sand bed in place. how does it work? Are you happy with it? What is your biolad? Any hair algae?
Even more helpfule would be hearing from anyone that has swithched from a crushed coral/plenum. What are your experiances-good or bad. Finally, in the words of Joe Friday "just the facts" (no raving just because you believe in one method...what are your real life experiances
So, I would like to hear from anyone sho actually has a 4"-5" deep sand bed in place. how does it work? Are you happy with it? What is your biolad? Any hair algae?
Even more helpfule would be hearing from anyone that has swithched from a crushed coral/plenum. What are your experiances-good or bad. Finally, in the words of Joe Friday "just the facts" (no raving just because you believe in one method...what are your real life experiances