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I have a 90g reef set up, but my friend is going to give me a small dragon wrasse. I don't want to put him in my reef, so I'm going to start him out in a 26g that I have. Eventually I'm going to set up a bigger FOWLR, but I can't afford it for a few months.

The stuff I have right now is a tank, 2 VHO bulbs, enough oolitic sand for a 1-2" sand bed, and some cured LR from my main tank. If I add a few pieces of cured rock, fresh sand, and new RO/DI saltwater, will the tank cycle with the just the wrasse?

Any suggestions? Thanks.


Green Mariner

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Ryan, "Dragon Wrasses" are also known as rock mover wrasses, something to consider, as well as they get very, very large. They also change dramatically from juv. to adult, so once they get to the adult stage you won't have the same fish. You will also have a fish that can move just about any rock in your tank with the possiblity of it cracking the glass. Personally I have never owned one for the reasons that I listed but they are very cool looking juv. fish! Just curious why is your friend getting rid of it?



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He's getting out of the saltwater hobby. He's had enough. lol

I just want to make sure I am not going to get a cycle in the tank and kill the little guy. If so,I don't have a place to keep him while I cycle the tank. He'll have to go back to the LFS.

Green Mariner

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If you really want this fish, it will be fine in the smaller tank until the larger tank cycles. I would suggest no longer than 6 mos. but again I am no fish expert.


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