what do you guys think about post that say item for sale on ebay. i used to sell on ebay and had to pay a fee for listing an item. which is the price for using a auction house. i stopped cruising the ebay boards becuase theres to many companys running sale ads for their product.(ie
same ad ran 50 times in a row. and you can never find any good deals there anymore. thats when i found all the differant reef boards. they're great! deals deals deals! plus lots of trades ect. until recently! i'll see something i might be interested in , click on the post,and item for sale on ebay. whats up with that. if they want to advertise their auction on a differant board they should have to pay a fee. if i want to bid against someone else and wait 5 to 7 days to see if i won i would be on ebay! i think they should ban all ads that are links to ebay! THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION, WHAT IS YOURS?
