Unfortunately, I performed a deadly water change today. I changed out about 8% and this is my story.
I turned off my skimmer pump and return pump. This caused a siphon, which it normally does, about 5 gallons goes back into the sump. When this siphon occurred, the smallest (male) oscellaris clown thought he would check it out, and the worst happened. It sucked him in. Of course, I allowed it to finish the siphon, which was almost complete when he was sucked in. I had no idea what to do, because my plumbing coming out of the pump is smaller than the plumbing this tubing goes into, and it would not allow him to go into it. I had no idea what to do, so I waited about 15 minutes, hoping he would turn himself around, but he was gone. Of course when I turned the return back on, there he was. Immediately, the female, which survived went to him, and she started to go crazy. When I retrieved his remains, she resumed to normal after about 2 minutes.
They did not mate yet, they were both fairly young. However, I'm very upset, because I really wanted a successfully mating pair, and they were both very healthy fish. My question now is, how would she do if I introduced a new smaller clown? Or, should I not introduce another clown, and see how she does? These were the only two fish I have, they were the first. I have had my tank setup for about 2 months now, and they were doing very well, until my stupid ##* decided to do a water change. I'm a *$*%&$(!
Please advise! And please forgive my ignorance and incompetence!
[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: chad_pierce ]
I turned off my skimmer pump and return pump. This caused a siphon, which it normally does, about 5 gallons goes back into the sump. When this siphon occurred, the smallest (male) oscellaris clown thought he would check it out, and the worst happened. It sucked him in. Of course, I allowed it to finish the siphon, which was almost complete when he was sucked in. I had no idea what to do, because my plumbing coming out of the pump is smaller than the plumbing this tubing goes into, and it would not allow him to go into it. I had no idea what to do, so I waited about 15 minutes, hoping he would turn himself around, but he was gone. Of course when I turned the return back on, there he was. Immediately, the female, which survived went to him, and she started to go crazy. When I retrieved his remains, she resumed to normal after about 2 minutes.
They did not mate yet, they were both fairly young. However, I'm very upset, because I really wanted a successfully mating pair, and they were both very healthy fish. My question now is, how would she do if I introduced a new smaller clown? Or, should I not introduce another clown, and see how she does? These were the only two fish I have, they were the first. I have had my tank setup for about 2 months now, and they were doing very well, until my stupid ##* decided to do a water change. I'm a *$*%&$(!
Please advise! And please forgive my ignorance and incompetence!
[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: chad_pierce ]