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I am pondering about picking up a coral beauty tomorrow. I have a 29 gallon biocube with a algae blenny. U plan on having softies as well as a lot of LPS such as hammers and frogspawn. The coral beauty will definitely be well fed and I will offer a varied diet. These are my stocking plans
1x algae blenny
1x coral beauty
2x false Percs
1x yellow watchman pistol shrimp pair
1x melanorus wrasse
The coral beauty will be the second fish introduced. Will he be aggressive? How can I ensure that he is reef safe? Are LPS going to be annoyed by the nipping?


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long island
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not aggressive only towards other angels. As for reef safe its 50% 50% there's only one way too find out lol btw in my opinion that's too many fish in a small tank especially with the melanurus. They are very aggressive swimmers and eaters believe me I've kept one since a baby one of my favorites


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Suffolk County
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I agree, my friend had one on a 210 and it started nipping at corals. He ended up breaking down the entire tank to catch it.

Plus, a biocube just simply doesn't have enough space to keep one. Most angels need live rock for grazing and hiding. They won't be comfortable long term in a small tank like that. Not to mention the fact that aggression is very likely.


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I guess I'll skip the coral beauty. I'm looking at getting a royal gramma instead. I added the yellow watchman goby but my algae blenny started shutting bricks and chasing him around so the goby is in my 6 gal for now until I can find a way to make this work. Hopefully he won't attack my clowns when I add them tomorrow.


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long island
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How long has the tank been cycled? Have you done enough research? You should not be adding fish so quick back to back. Your not giving the bacteria enough time to catch up with the bio load. How much live rock do you have ? Are you running a skimmer ? You'll need to with all these fish.


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How long has the tank been cycled? Have you done enough research? You should not be adding fish so quick back to back. Your not giving the bacteria enough time to catch up with the bio load. How much live rock do you have ? Are you running a skimmer ? You'll need to with all these fish.

I bought the tank with LR and live sand that's about 2 years. I also picked up a 6 year old piece of live rock from a friends tank about 15 pounds. I would say 20-25 pounds of LR. I did add some more Live sand though, about 2 inches. The only fish currently in the tank is the blenny, which he has been in about a week and a half. Not running a skimmer yet but will soon.


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long island
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ok you wanna add the fish slow but your right you must add the clowns together. The blenny should not bother them keep in mind that at that your fully stocked with three fish lo.l I'm not saying you can't add more fish but your gonna want to add alot more rock and definitely a skimmer you want close to double your gallons in pounds of live rock for a strong reef with low nitrates


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ok you wanna add the fish slow but your right you must add the clowns together. The blenny should not bother them keep in mind that at that your fully stocked with three fish lo.l I'm not saying you can't add more fish but your gonna want to add alot more rock and definitely a skimmer you want close to double your gallons in pounds of live rock for a strong reef with low nitrates

Yea, I was thinking about adding the 2 clowns today after a water change, they are both an inch or a bit leads so pretty small. My LFS is getting a shipment in today, I'll get either a royal gramma or a fire fish and that fish will go into my 6 gal quarantine tank with the blenny for at least 1 week and more if they aren't eating or something. I have a cleaner shrimp in there so he should take care of any ich.


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long island
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I wouldn't get a firefish its considered a dart fish but is part of the goby family. I would not try to mix watchmen,blenny, and firefish its plans for disaster. As for the cleaner shrimp I keep one in my tank and am not sure they actually clean off ich there is a huge debate about it.No scientific proof but I would throw him in the Dt and do hypo salinity in the 6 gallon


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long island
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the frame doesn't rust cause its coated, aluminum does rust I meant the screen itself. I have seen them made that way with the nylon I think there was a thread about it

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