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For the people who keeps wrasses
Is it okay to have multiple number of wrasse?
I want to add a leopard wrasse and a yellow wrasse to my tank and i already have a six line and melanurus wrasse
And are yellow and leopard reef safe?


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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im surprised the six line hasnt killed the melanarus, i personally wouldnt chance adding any other wrasse's with the six line in there, and size doesnt matter, six line is one of the nastiest fish and been known and from personal experiance has killed fish 3x it's size


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north NJ
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You would have a better chance I'd say, but i have had a nasty Mel. Wrasse too...I guess depends on temperament of the fish you have. I had one that was great too
Leopards are somewhat tough to get eating. Good luck
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You need to tell us what size of tank you have. I think it's okay to have multiple wrasses in a tank when you do a proper research on species you'd like to keep. I always stay away from Pseudocheilinus wrasses (Six line wrasse, Mystery wrasse) as they tend to be very aggressive towards other fish, even larger than themselves. Same is true for some larger Thalassoma species, although I have a Thalassoma quinquevittatum that was mistakenly delivered to me as christmass wrasse (and I just couldn't say no to this poor guy that flew from half the world away:)) and has no problem with it so far. I am a big fan of Halichoeres as they eat parasites and pests in the tank while being not so bossy towards other wrasses. My current wrasses-stock are: Common cleaner wrasse, a pair of Hooded wrasses, male Solorensis and Thalassoma quinquevittatum. That's in a 100g tank


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Mine is a 75 gallon and wanted to make a wrasse tank so i guess i should get rid of the six line right? And also decided to get rid of the melanurus
I want to have a cleaner wrasse too but do they eat froze foods?


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Hudson Yards
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It really depends on the temperament of the individual fish. For years my 6 line never had a problem with any fish I added to the tank. Then I added a Bristletail Filefish and he turned into a holy terror. He was banished to the sump for a month and when I added him back to the main tank he was fine with the filefish. At that point he was moving into her territory and had to be nice as the new fish on the block.


Two Decade Club
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I have a sixline ,mystery and melanarus in a 90 for a long time no issues
there are always the exceptions to the rule with fish, so you are among the lucky few...I have had all three...I got lucky once with a large Melanarus, but when it died the second was a terror. They all got nastier as they grew. I also had a male yellow , but it also became a bit of a bully when it reached adulthood. I would never add any of them into my DT again....I enjoy the challage of keeping Leopards and Tamarans now and they all are more docile and reef friendly...
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Oh so it looks like it is okay to have multiple number of wrasses
But i already gave the melanurus to my friend and trying to sell the six line
Im going to add
Leopard wrasse(female)
Blue striped tamarin wrasse
And maybe a adorned wrasse or a yellow wrasse
And thanks for all the replies
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Mine is a 75 gallon and wanted to make a wrasse tank so i guess i should get rid of the six line right? And also decided to get rid of the melanurus
I want to have a cleaner wrasse too but do they eat froze foods?

Cleaner wrasses have poor survival rate in the aquarium. I've only bought it because it was already eating live brine shrimped and I trained him to eat frozen. I still feel a little guilty knowing there are so many of them that die in captivity compared to ones that make it. Exceptional fish though, it's really entertaining to watch it cleaning other fish in the tank.
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Yes i know for the leopard wrasse if i fail at feeding it ill give it to my friend that already has one and is experienced in feeding it

JJ in my personal experience, the leopard wrasses I bought from aquarium village are the healthiest and strongest, plus they eat pretty much everything, I think Andy feeds them different stuff while acclimating.


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JJ in my personal experience, the leopard wrasses I bought from aquarium village are the healthiest and strongest, plus they eat pretty much everything, I think Andy feeds them different stuff while acclimating.

Oh thank you for the info,i should take a trip there
I was gonna go to manhattan aquariums because theres where my friend got his and its doing really well

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