I had to begin dosing in November of 2011. Prior to that weekly water changes were enough.
I do not dose anything I can't test for.
My issue is that since I started dosing, I am getting a bit confused. I have been testing every morning, and adjusting how much of each mag, alk, cal to dose. I am aiming for 1350 mag, 8.8 alk, 450 cal, but the numbers keep going just a little up or down off the desired values.
For instance:
Day 1) mag 1290, alk 6.7dkh, cal 400 after dosing 3.5oz of magnesium only
Day 2) mag 1320, alk 8dkh, cal 400 after dosing
Day 14) mag 1300, alk 7dkh, cal 380 dosed 1.5oz of mag, 1.5oz of alk, 1.5oz of cal
Day 15) mag1380, alk 7.4dkh, cal400 dosed 1.5ozalk, 1.5oz cal
Day 16) mag 1320, alk 8.6dkh, cal 380 dosed 1oz. mag, 2oz cal
Day 17) mag 1275, alk 7.7dkh, cal 400 dosed 2oz. mag, 1oz. alk, 2.5oz cal
Day 18) mag 1235, alk 8.0dkh, cal 400 Began dosing twice daily.
1oz. mag, .5oz. alk, 1.25oz. cal
Day 19) mag 1275, alk 7.9dkh, cal 390 dosed AM 3oz. mag, .5oz alk, 1.5oz cal ~ PM 1.5oz mag, .5oz. alk, 1oz. cal
Day 20) mag 1310, alk 9.3dkh, cal 400 dosed AM 1.5oz mag, 0 alk, 1oz. cal ~ PM 45ml mag, 10ml alk, 30ml cal
Day 21) mag 1320, alk 8.5dkh, cal 385 dosed AM & PM 50ml mag, 20ml alk, 40ml cal
Day 22) This morning. 1290 mag, 9.4dkh alk, 400 cal dosed AM 60ml mag, 15ml alk, 40ml cal
I cannot for the life of me get them to stay at a constant 1350, 8.8dkh, & 450...:irked:
What am I doing wrong?
To boot, I destroyed my calcium test kit so I can't test the calcium until I get a replacement.
All the animals with the exception of my dendros who seem to be PO since the stand switch are doing fine. Dendros are only opening at night when all the lights are off. Yes, I have tried moving them to 3 different locations within the past month. Just moved them to the latest place 3 or 4 days ago.
I do not dose anything I can't test for.
My issue is that since I started dosing, I am getting a bit confused. I have been testing every morning, and adjusting how much of each mag, alk, cal to dose. I am aiming for 1350 mag, 8.8 alk, 450 cal, but the numbers keep going just a little up or down off the desired values.
For instance:
Day 1) mag 1290, alk 6.7dkh, cal 400 after dosing 3.5oz of magnesium only
Day 2) mag 1320, alk 8dkh, cal 400 after dosing
Day 14) mag 1300, alk 7dkh, cal 380 dosed 1.5oz of mag, 1.5oz of alk, 1.5oz of cal
Day 15) mag1380, alk 7.4dkh, cal400 dosed 1.5ozalk, 1.5oz cal
Day 16) mag 1320, alk 8.6dkh, cal 380 dosed 1oz. mag, 2oz cal
Day 17) mag 1275, alk 7.7dkh, cal 400 dosed 2oz. mag, 1oz. alk, 2.5oz cal
Day 18) mag 1235, alk 8.0dkh, cal 400 Began dosing twice daily.
1oz. mag, .5oz. alk, 1.25oz. cal
Day 19) mag 1275, alk 7.9dkh, cal 390 dosed AM 3oz. mag, .5oz alk, 1.5oz cal ~ PM 1.5oz mag, .5oz. alk, 1oz. cal
Day 20) mag 1310, alk 9.3dkh, cal 400 dosed AM 1.5oz mag, 0 alk, 1oz. cal ~ PM 45ml mag, 10ml alk, 30ml cal
Day 21) mag 1320, alk 8.5dkh, cal 385 dosed AM & PM 50ml mag, 20ml alk, 40ml cal
Day 22) This morning. 1290 mag, 9.4dkh alk, 400 cal dosed AM 60ml mag, 15ml alk, 40ml cal
I cannot for the life of me get them to stay at a constant 1350, 8.8dkh, & 450...:irked:
What am I doing wrong?
To boot, I destroyed my calcium test kit so I can't test the calcium until I get a replacement.
All the animals with the exception of my dendros who seem to be PO since the stand switch are doing fine. Dendros are only opening at night when all the lights are off. Yes, I have tried moving them to 3 different locations within the past month. Just moved them to the latest place 3 or 4 days ago.