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Hi everybody! I'm new here, but definitely not new to the whole aquatic pet thing. I've had my two African Clawed Frogs, Gillian and Lillian, for about 9 years. In those 9 years, they have gotten ENORMOUS.

I bought them from Grow A Frog, which, if some of you don't know, is a company in Florida that ships their frogs via the US Postal service. The frogs currently reside in a one gallon plexi-glass cube that they've had since birth. I really feel bad that they're confined in this little clube, and would like to get them something bigger, but I am very limited in the money department.

Normally, I would order their new house from Grow A Frog but I seriously think the company takes advantage of their customers when it comes to purchasing housing. The company now offers a 5 gallon cube, as opposed to my 1 gallon cube, that is called 'BIG n' Hoppy'. Only problem is, it's $49.00, plus $19.00 s & h..which in my opinion, is far too overpriced.

I read something on the internet about ACF that say they have to live in at least 10 gallons of water but obviously, judging by how long my frogs have lived, that's not the case. Mine are confined to practically nothing and are fine...a little cramped up, but fine.

So, if I haven't lost your attention yet due to the length of this post, I'm just wondering if you guys have any suggestions for a cheap, decent tank that will be good for them. I'm wiling to pay as much as $30.00. Long shot I know, considering that anything half decent out there is over 50 bucks. Ah, the life of a poor, broke college student with no job.

Would a 3 gallon fish tank be okay for them? I've seen quite a few starter fish tanks out there that I like, that I'm debating about putting them in. Of course, I'm a bit weary about the filters they come with, because I don't want one that's going to wind up killing my frogs.

Any help will be appreciated!


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A ten-gallon aquarium should run you a max of 15 dollars, then throw a sponge filter on it and a light if you wish. Then put in any decorations you would like. However, I would do water changes pretty frequently unless you get a bigger filter, since they can be messy. HTH


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Thanks for the advice! For some reason, every tank I've looked at online has been over 30 dollars. I'll have to take a trip to the local pet store and see what I can find that's NOT a starter kit. I'm looking for a hexagonal type tank due to limited space in my bedroom. Something to fit on my desk will be ideal. Thanks for responding! I'll be back in a few days with a update on my little ones!

Miss Tang

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Most of the tanks you find online will be acrylic because of shipping. Not all, but most. Acrylic is more expensive than glass, and shipping kills a person. I haven't found many for less than $50 after shipping, and they are small.

If there is a possible way for you to fit a standard 10 gallon in your bedroom, please consider it.

You can get a barebones tank (without hood) for $9 at Walmart, a standard hang on back filter for around $10, and a bag of playsand from a hardware store for around $2. I am sure they'd appreciate it, and it is within your budget.

Hoods and lighting are rather expensive (almost more than the tank itself sometimes!), so what I would do is get one of those mesh hoods for hamster cages which are surely much cheaper, and a clip on light for a few dollars as well.

Depending on where you are from, you can check eBay for local pickups. If you are near a larger city, you can probably find a cheap tank solution rather easily.

Another option are the 5 gallon Mini Bows or Eclipse systems. Nice tanks and they come with filters, however I think they are much smaller than anticipated. Might be the right size and shape though.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... eName=WDVW

I have a 5 gallon acrylic Eclipse tank that I bought for $36, and it came with a filter (albeit a very strong one). They are much more expensive online.

Your best bet would be a Walmart or Petsmart/Petco because frankly prices are just ridiculous online.


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I agree, prices are outrageous online. And there's no way I'm going to spend 19 dollars soley on s & h. I'm really worried about filtering though. I contacted the Grow-a-Frog company, and they said that they have a filter that they designed specifically for the frogs that's a 'waterfall' filter. I'd like to purchase that, but I'm worried about noise and such. Are these types of filters generally noisy? Could any of you suggest a good filter that I could use that will keep the tank clean and quiet, but would also keep the vibrations/bubbles to a minimum as to not upset my frogs?

I'll definitely take your advice and look in WalMart and PetSmart!


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Yeah, Walmart and Petsmart/Petco would be good since they probably have the best prices on dry goods. However, I wouldn't buy fish and plants there.


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since frogs are air breathers the water quality is abit less of an issue than w/fish, so the size of the tank really only needs to accomodate their size and movement

i would suggest a 15, or 20gallon high, which will enable you to keep the water level low (get an internal power filter that you can lay sideways, to accomodate the low water level, like a fluval (smallest) internal filter)).

some rocks placed here and there for them to rest on just below the water level is an idea ;)

the low water level will also aid in keeping them from jumping out

african clawed frogs can get bigger than your hand ;)


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What do you guys think about this tank?

http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_ ... 0683090456

I'm really liking this one too, although it's only 3 gallons:

http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_ ... 0686592523

I've never had a tank before, so excuse me for sounding dumb, but it says for the second tank that there's a bio wheel in the hood. Now, does the filtration still work even if the water's not filled all the way to the top? Or does the water have to be all the way at the top for the filtration system to work properly?

Miss Tang

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3 gallons is reallllly cutting it close :(

If you want I have an acrylic 5 gallon and a filter... maybe we can work something out, the light is burnt out though.


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bare in mind they are ideally supposed to have 10 gallons per frog to be comfortable. If you can stretch to anything bigger than 5 gallons for them both i'm sure they'd appreciate it.

Also the biowheel in that 3 gallon you mentioned isn't in the hood, it's built into the filter which is placed under water. If you like the look of those they do them in 3, 6, 12 and 24g I think.

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