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Experienced Reefer
Croton on Hudson
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So I am looking for opinions on what sort of fish can safely be added to my rather elderly (and mean) system. I have a 125 galon reef tank that has been up and running in one form or another for 14 or 15 years. (Started life as a 55, then a 75.) Current fish are all quite nasty as fish go.
1 Bi-color pseudochrhomis
2 yellow tangs
1 watchman gobie
1 tomato clown
1 blue devil damsel (oldest fish in the tank, been there since the beginning)
1 (miserable) pajama cardinal
1 scarlet pin-striped wrass

As you can tell, I am rather sparse on the fish since the tank has always been dedicated to the corals. I would however like to add a few more. Any ideas on what could go into this system without being beaten to a pulp?
Bensalem, PA
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more pajama cardinals
more blue devils, consider adding so that you have several females and a single male
Centropyge (or a small group of Centropyge, might get to see some spawning behavior that way)
school of Chromis
zebra blenny
neon gobies
Acanthurus species
Genicanthus (or a male and a female or two of any G. species)

lots of other possibilities as well - whatever you do, don't just add a single fish - add several so that any aggression toward the newbies is more spread out

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