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I just dig into the sand bed with their nose to sleep at night. It happens very quickly, and should not be a factor in picking a fish. You will almost never see it and only notice that it has happen on occasion.

Now, with that said, I love wrasses! There are many cool wrasses for any setup, just make sure you read about any wrasse and double check all info to see if it fits your requirements.


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Well, upon doing research, wrasses have landed themselves on many "DO NOT BUY" lists.

For example, the six line wrasse. Small, colorful and nasty mofo to summarize what most people say about it. Apparently it is very difficult to catch once it starts terrorizing the tank as well.

Any recommendations for a 50 gallon tank? I know wrasses get large but there should be some small, friendly ones I hope?
Brooklyn, NY
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What other fish do you have? If you have a tight fitting lid and a sandbed and nothing too feisty already in there, you can pick from pretty much any of the fairy, flasher, leopard and many Halichoeres sp. If you want something tiny, then Wetmorella possum wrasse are cool, but very secretive.

Do some research on these genera, pinpoint which ones appeal to you and then we can offer more pointed advice--- lots of serious wrasse experience here on MR and on this thread already.


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I have a mandarin, two clowns, and a cleaner shrimp. The mandarin doesn't get touched, the clowns pick on each other like a happy couple and the shrimp hides.

Thanks for all your replies!
Brooklyn, NY
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Christmas wrasses apparently hide in the sand a lot and are very colorful.

Christmas wrasse (Halichoeres ornatissmus) are great fish and certainly a possibility for this system, but like any other Halichoeres wrasse, they bury in the sand at night or when spooked. Otherwise, they are out and about and not interedted in the sand at all beyond picking at stuff on it.


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Why is mystery wrasse expensive? I see it go quickly here on MR when its on sale. I think there are other wrasses with better coloration no?
It depends what expensive is to you, I see Mystery Wrasses from 70-200 depending on where you go. That being said some people won't buy and fish over 30 bucks. Yellow coris's I have seen from 10 - 30 and I got my 6 line from Ocean Gallery 2 for 9 bucks when they were on sale, It hasn't bothered anything in the tank.

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