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Well, up until now, I always put new arrival in QT, although I know I will hear feedback on this, but I think some fish it may have worsten my survival rate, such delicate fish at regal angels, blueline angel, some butterflies, etc. All tangs and some other angels did do well with QT.
I have a archilles tang arriving on Wed. My gut feeling is to drip acclimate at most for 45 minutes, maybe less, and then put right into the DT. I recently added in a juv queen and flame angel, at different times, and went by a reef friend of mine, that swears on freshwater dip with matching temp and ph EXACT to my DT for upto 3 minutes at most, less if the fish begins trying to jump out, or look stressed out, worked beautifully both times. I feel freshwater may be too stressful for an archilles. I know many say always QT, but I want some feedback here.
So lets hear some feedback on suggestions of best way to acclimate this delicate tang. My QT was a 29 gallon, now converted over to a small reef. Lastly is it true they need salinity to be .025-.026, my reef friend that has had one for months, says this. My DT is a 6' bow 155 gallon, very established over 3 yrs old, lots of rock, with sponge on it, MAJOR water flow, good. One last thing, I have a very large moorish idol, thriving in my tank for well over a year that eats all like a pig, so I know I am doing something right(he does eat zoos occasionally - heard that helps him).
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oceanside, NY
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I find running just a few blue LEDs for a day helps the fish get used to the tank and keeps the other tank mates fairly calm.

As far as achilles tangs go, they need big tanks with strong flow(mine liked to swim against the vortech). They tend to be the hardest tang to get to eat. Best bet on food is fresh Nori(seaweed) a few times a day. Of coarse offer it other foods but most of them take a while to open up to anything other than seaweed.

As far as salinity goes I think all fish do better in a 1.023 range.


The All Powerful OZ
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A 3 min freshwater dip isn't going to do much to remove most parasite. Even a longer bath of 20 - 25 min isn't going to do the trick.

As for the fish you're getting, you're taking a fish, that is very ich prone, and pretty much placing it directly into your main tank, not really a smart thing to do. Couple the fact that the fish is just coming in and you're asking for trouble.

I would either get a larger tank, like a 55gal or a 50gal rubbermaid container. Put the tang in there was plenty of flow and some hiding place and QT it for 4 - 6 weeks.
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A 3 min freshwater dip isn't going to do much to remove most parasite. Even a longer bath of 20 - 25 min isn't going to do the trick.

As for the fish you're getting, you're taking a fish, that is very ich prone, and pretty much placing it directly into your main tank, not really a smart thing to do. Couple the fact that the fish is just coming in and you're asking for trouble.

I would either get a larger tank, like a 55gal or a 50gal rubbermaid container. Put the tang in there was plenty of flow and some hiding place and QT it for 4 - 6 weeks.

+1 I cant add much to this answer.....only the fact that I would never throw any fish in my dt. I have learned the hardway once...never again. I can also tell you that this magnificant fish loves to swim and I feel like even in my tank which is three times the size of yours still needs more room.


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i never qt.. The biggest thing to worry about is feeding him! Make sure he eats and give him plenty of greens.. The freshwater dips only stress fish out imo


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Okay, my achilles tang arrived today, things are lookin good, one of the most active fish I have had to date, and small, 3-4", probably closer to 3". Not taking any crap from damsels, or other fish, even though I have a cleaner shrimp, huge one, I got a pair of cleaner wrasses, as back up insurance too, and they are also eating any food put in the tank, was not sure if they would pair up or fight, they paired up nicely, and are also pairing up with many fish. Tang is a nice dark color, dripped for an hour, and put into dt, will keep you guys posted.


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Okay, my achilles tang arrived today, things are lookin good, one of the most active fish I have had to date, and small, 3-4", probably closer to 3". Not taking any crap from damsels, or other fish, even though I have a cleaner shrimp, huge one, I got a pair of cleaner wrasses, as back up insurance too, and they are also eating any food put in the tank, was not sure if they would pair up or fight, they paired up nicely, and are also pairing up with many fish. Tang is a nice dark color, dripped for an hour, and put into dt, will keep you guys posted.
Im picking up mine tomorrow (thursday) he has been at my friends store for a week now and was eating right out of the bag there.. he is about 3 to 4 inches also. I am going to drip also 1 hour sounds fair. And in to the DT he goes.. I hope it works. I have heard if you cant get him to eat try ego seaweed (i think that what its call) its a redish maroon branch looking seaweed. good luck with yours...


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Okay, update, when my small achilles arrived last Wednesday am, doing great eating everything, including spirulina flakes, nori, pellets and frozen mysis, initially only liked small pieces, spit out pieces too large, now tearing into nori, and swimming with it in his mouth, goes bonkers over flakes and new life spectrum pellets, and any other small pellets. will post photos, shot some, just need to upload to computer when I have a chance, he is 3-4", interesting how the rims of his eyes turn blue, and the four stripe damsels come near, they stay away. Glad he is small so the big boys leave him alone.


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Staten Island
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Personally I think the longer the acclimation the better it is for the fish and helps them relax more. I drip everything for atleast an hour sometimes more if it was a bumpy ride or anything like that. I even drip my corals. I know most people float them a few mins and toss them in but personally I never take a chance and I want my animals to be happy. You guys did the right thing and now the fish are doing good. Congrats!


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Well been well over 3 months now, fattened up nicely, orange spot about 5xs larger, growing faster than I thought, then again, I feed heavy, as my moorish idol loves food.
Will post photos when I can, was a good move getting a very small on imo/


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One thing that I have noticed about the achilles tang is that their color is always better when the salinity is a bit higher. From an article in TFH back in 2003, they also mentioned something about these tangs requiring better oxygenated water as compared to other tangs. BTW, when did the price of achilles tang quadruple. When I bought mine, it was only 60 for a 4in specimen.


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Tobyhanna, PA
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Here is my Achilles got it from Brian @ Ocean Gallery II about 2 weeks ago
I had acclimated the fish in regular tap water for about 5 minutes. But before I raised the PH to be the same as the DT, raised the water temp to be the same also, and added AP Pro Quick cure to the mix! Dropped the fish in the water for about 5 minutes he was jumping gasping for air! I said there goes $$$ Afterwards, transfer the fish in a bucket I already had taken the water from my DT. Left him in there for about 20 minutes. So in total about 25 minutes in acclimating. He hide for a little while in the rocks, the next day he was out an about swimming and owning the tank. Ate but did not each much the first 2-days afterwards I notice he was picking at the rocks, and his appetite has gotten better. I've been putting garlic on dry seaweed and he has been picking it. This method was shared to me by Rick NYreefNoob...Thanks!


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