I have had a Green Clown Goby for about 4 years, just started with sps it looks like it is nipping at the sps, are they known for this will they harm the sps, or it hosting the sps do they have some kind of symbolic relationship?
I had a yellow clown goby for a while who was given to me by a friend because he was nipping her sps. However, I didn't see any noticeable damage to mine. I know they will host sps corals, but it seems like they may have a taste for certain species.
Maybe someone who knows more about this particular fish can chime in.
some people do good with sps and others like me it ate all my sps
if it is eating the sps then you have to choose one because the sps will bleach out due to stress and not get poy extension
Clown gobies feed on the mucous produced by acropora. The will pester the coral until it stresses and produces it's defense mechanism and then the fish will consume the mucous. When colonies are very large and abundant the fish can bounce around eating freely without doing much harm. However in a tank with smaller corals and frags clown gobies can be disaster. The constant pestering of small corals will result in death and then the fish will move on to the next one.
The problem seem to start when My acro crab bailed out on the acro and was never seen again I picked up another acro crab today I see if it helps. she is in the acro ( and I say she because she has a clutch of eggs(food for the tank)) when the clown went on the acro the crab put its claws up at it and chased it!