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I need suggestions for fish choices for my 120g (4x2x2), mixed reef. Currently I have a lawnmower blenny, a mated pair of tomato clowns, two rbtas (~4"), a naso tang, powder brown and yellow tang. Of the three tangs, the naso is my favorite. I'm thinking of a more varied mixture of nice colors of fish (reds, blues, yellows, etc) which will be active at all levels (top, middle, bottom), average size of 6".

While I like the naso, I hate the idea of bonding (yes bonding) with fish only to have to get rid of them when they outgrow the tank. The tomatos are nice, but they spend all their time with the anemones so the only time I see them is at feedings. Btw, the anemones have been hosting the clowns for several months. Would there be any issues with separating them, getting rid of the anemones?

I like the fathead anthias and blotchy anthias. It's sad that the angelfish in general are not reefsafe. What would you suggest?


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I have a small tank so I can obly suggest fish that I would get.
Blue chromis (nice blue color and not bullies like damsels),
Chalk bass (salmon and blue), firefish goby (pearly white and red), pajama cardinal (yellow, orange black and white). You could have more than one of these if you put them in at the same time.
The royal gramma is hard to beat when it comes to color. But I would put that one in last. Flasher wrasses and Anthias are nice but I never had any.
Brooklyn, NY
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A Royal Gramma or Blackcap Basslet would be a nice addition. Perhaps a trio of Bartlett's anthias ( they are pretty hardy), and any number of awesome fairy wrasses (if your tank is well covered). Fathead Anthias are quite finicky as are the Blotchy though less so IME. You can also add a Halichoeres wrasse from the melanauras complex without issue. Regarding angels, a Bellus female would do well and is quite reef safe. You have tons of options really for that size tank. I'd consider getting rid of the Naso though.
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A Royal Gramma or Blackcap Basslet would be a nice addition. Perhaps a trio of Bartlett's anthias ( they are pretty hardy), and any number of awesome fairy wrasses (if your tank is well covered). Fathead Anthias are quite finicky as are the Blotchy though less so IME. You can also add a Halichoeres wrasse from the melanauras complex without issue. Regarding angels, a Bellus female would do well and is quite reef safe. You have tons of options really for that size tank. I'd consider getting rid of the Naso though.
I love the blotchy anthias in your tank at Pratt! That's the kind of tank I could sit and watch all day. I'll definitely look into those suggestions. What do you mean by 'finicky'? I know I'm going to have to get rid of the naso :frown:. He's just so cool, doesn't get involved in any fracas and getting to be very friendly. It tends to come over to the side of the tank where I am, even though it may just be looking for food. Thanks.

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