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New York
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hey all, woke up this morning to do my water change in my 34 gal solana that i prepared for late last night. was no ammonia nitrite or nitrates no temp swing. nothing different.

I siphoned out 5 gallons and siphoned 5 gallons back in. been over 2 hrs and all of my corals look great but 1 of my clowns is gone. he has never hid since i have got him and will let me scoop him with my hand. i have searched the tank in and out. i dont even remember if i saw him this morning but hes nowhere in the tank that i can see. I checked all around the tank to see if he jumped out while i was doing the water change and no luck [tank was covered overnight]. all of my hermits and shrimp are in site so i know they arent eating him. i checked my ammonia nitrite and nitrate and they are all 0. where could he be? should i go buy some carbon and run it for the next days just incase he is dead somewhere? how soon would i see a spike? hmmm...

my fish, clownfish/sixline/yellow tang
inverts/3 hermits [md size] blood shrimp
no anemones or anything that would consume him

any advice? dont want to potentially crash my tank if hes dead inside. lemmie know


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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awh that sucks. no cracks or decent holes in your rocks? i only had a clown goby actually lodge himself into a rock during a big cleaning i was doing and he got stuck completely. any chance he got sucked out doing the water change? maybe a thing of chemi pure would be a good idea just to be safe. i mean in my 29g biocube i randomly had my monster scooter blenny die and i had no idea. he was in there for about 2-3 days dead after i found him and got him out, but it did nothing to my water par. good luck finding him. hopefully he is just being a coward from the water change and hiding really good.
New York
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i checked the siphon tube and the bucket, tried checking the tank as much as i could. just odd. searched all around the tank. bummer because he was the one who finally turned female and the fighting stopped and they seemed to have paired. i saw them together last night like 4am. just strange. feel like it must have jumped out during the water change time but i dont see it anywhere. i checked all the rear chambers of my solana. my pumps...nothing heh
New York
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hmmm ;)


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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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haha now you can relax. i go crazy when i am missing a fish. in my biocube fish constantly get stuck in my filter where yours did. i see the fish back there and flip going HOLY CRAP! GIVE ME MY NET! haha


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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wingo! i checked all the rear chambers without success....he was in that tiny little part of the solana overflow wow ....he was in there...im trying to get him out.....ALIVE!

this is crazy man. No joke, my onyx clown jumped into the back of the overflow portion of my tank last night. It's going to be a real bear trying to get him out, as it's a 'slim' overflow that goes all the way to the bottom of the tank with piping in the middle... awesome.

Glad you found him though :thrash:
New York
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Funny thing is have the polypad on top an a sponge on the bottom. He was trapped in there, I never thought he woulda went in there. I was checking my comforter, under my bed, the wall, the vacuum - lol - only since I knew I vacuumed around the tank last night. Checked the siphon ... Was so many variables and it didn't help that I was so tired and hung over lol.

It's my girls fish. She told me I must have killed him and covered it up.
This fish normally goes inside my koralia where the blade is and I normally have to entice him out before I turn it back on after feeding. All morning she said I must have chopped him up for fish food lol.

Happy she's back. Haven't been home since this morning so hopefully she's ok

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