what can i use to cure this ich. i tried using garlic extract it didnt work. i tried some chemical my buddy gave me didnt work. i dont wanna use copper but ive heard it works.
when my fish had ich, i just left it alone and it healed on it's own. make sure your fish is eating. if that doesn't work for you, then set up a QT tank and use copper.
herbtana for reef medications, 100% reef safe. it is herb extracts and smells like a citranella candel, so it makes the tank smell nice and cures ich, parasites, fungus and infections.
hmmmm... snake oil cures ich in reef tank???........lol. someone will probably misquote this and start the urban legend of snake oil therapy for curing ich in reef tank...hahahah
ICH is such a *****. Most healthy fish are strong enough to beat it but it sucks when you introduce a new stressed out fish and they get it. Hospitalize and copper its the only way. If you want to buy any other "cure" you can just take your money out of your wallet and burn it you will get the same results.