A ari5736 Advanced Reefer Location Teaneck, NJ Rating - 100% 35 0 0 Oct 19, 2009 #1 I have 1 scopas in my 125. If I were to throw a couple more in there would the established one kill the others? Would they school together?
I have 1 scopas in my 125. If I were to throw a couple more in there would the established one kill the others? Would they school together?
J johnny roastbeef Advanced Reefer Location Commack, NY Rating - 100% 10 0 0 Oct 19, 2009 #2 I have several tangs in my 300. The scopas is only one that ever shows aggression towards my other fish. He is just an ornery little fish.
I have several tangs in my 300. The scopas is only one that ever shows aggression towards my other fish. He is just an ornery little fish.
mckostya Lovin', is what I got. Location Pleasantville, NY Rating - 100% 69 0 0 Oct 19, 2009 #3 tank too small. keep one and rather get tang from another family.
Master Shake captain of tying knots Location Lawrence Rating - 100% 54 0 0 Oct 19, 2009 #4 +1 with mckostya, that is a small tank for tangs let alone a school. Fish with the large dorsal fins are open water fish like tangs. a 125 is recomended absolute minimum for tangs so go from there
+1 with mckostya, that is a small tank for tangs let alone a school. Fish with the large dorsal fins are open water fish like tangs. a 125 is recomended absolute minimum for tangs so go from there