Currently have a 75 gallon tank with live sand, live rock(about 50lbs)
2 clowns, 1 blue hippo, 1 annuleris angel, 1 yellowtail damsel, 1 engineer goby. Recently I noticed one of the clowns had a cotton like substance near his gill and a white dot right before his tail(looks like a pimple all ready to burst, before you pop it) and both clowns mouth looked fungusy. they are active and eat well. someone suggested melafix or paraguard. do i quaratine them? if i do how long? 2. my angel has pale spots(i don't think it's ich) but he too is active and eats well. what to do? checked water at home and lfs but water levels were good all around. somesome suggested mardel coppersafe or ich attack. do i quaratine him and how long?
2 clowns, 1 blue hippo, 1 annuleris angel, 1 yellowtail damsel, 1 engineer goby. Recently I noticed one of the clowns had a cotton like substance near his gill and a white dot right before his tail(looks like a pimple all ready to burst, before you pop it) and both clowns mouth looked fungusy. they are active and eat well. someone suggested melafix or paraguard. do i quaratine them? if i do how long? 2. my angel has pale spots(i don't think it's ich) but he too is active and eats well. what to do? checked water at home and lfs but water levels were good all around. somesome suggested mardel coppersafe or ich attack. do i quaratine him and how long?