G gfunk823 Reefer Location cromwell,Ct Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 6, 2009 #1 i was told by my LFS that i need red sea salt to have sea horses is this true?
C Chiefmcfuz Guest Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 6, 2009 #2 :scratchch isn't that what mother nature uses? The answer is NO, marine livestock has no brand loyalty to and one blend of synthetic salt mix.
:scratchch isn't that what mother nature uses? The answer is NO, marine livestock has no brand loyalty to and one blend of synthetic salt mix.
NYreefNoob Skimmer Freak Location poughquag, ny Rating - 99.4% 168 1 0 Mar 6, 2009 #3 avoid that fish store would be all i can tell you, they obviously dont know what they are talking about, did they ask yuo about your tank ? alot more to keeping seahorses then type of salt which doesnt matter
avoid that fish store would be all i can tell you, they obviously dont know what they are talking about, did they ask yuo about your tank ? alot more to keeping seahorses then type of salt which doesnt matter
jason18 Advanced Reefer Location Long Island N.Y. Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 6, 2009 #4 Thats has to be the silliest thing i ever read, I actually have 2 in my frag tank there awesome good luck..
Thats has to be the silliest thing i ever read, I actually have 2 in my frag tank there awesome good luck..
B basiab Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location secret Rating - 100% 117 0 0 Mar 9, 2009 #5 If your an LFS and that is what you have to sell then you push it.
Alex Pretzel in Orange M&M Location staten island Rating - 100% 44 0 0 Mar 9, 2009 #6 As long as you acclimate them properly in their new home, brand of salt does not matter.
G gfunk823 Reefer Location cromwell,Ct Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 11, 2009 #7 this is the fish store i always use and have good luck with it i just think theyre sponsored by red sea and yes they did ask about my tank
this is the fish store i always use and have good luck with it i just think theyre sponsored by red sea and yes they did ask about my tank
Bob 1000 Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Staten Island Rating - 100% 122 0 0 Mar 11, 2009 #8 I think they were being sarcastic with you... Just joking with you, not really being serious.
H hijinks Advanced Reefer Location Jersey City Rating - 100% 18 0 0 Mar 11, 2009 #9 they probably just make the biggest profit margin with that brand
G gfunk823 Reefer Location cromwell,Ct Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Mar 11, 2009 #10 they probably do and no they were completley serious lol trust me i deal with them alll the time