I finally found a really nice H. melanarus at one of the LFS and picked it up a little over a week ago, along with a cyaneo ( spelling?) flasher wrasse. These were to be the final fish in my tank. They have both been in quarantine since then and eating mysis shrimp. I've been doing water changes every couple of days to keep ammonia down and slowly bring it to my DT's SG. Last night I noticed the melanarus looked a little off - breathing just a little faster than usual - but otherwise seemed like it was bedding down for the night. A half hour ago I found it dead. The other wrasse is behaving normally and not displaying signs of stress or sickness. The temp is about 75 F, SG is 1.022 ( store was 1.021 ) and ammonia tested 0-.25 on a Salifert kit ( it was white ). Any ideas what caused this? I'd like to rule out any issues with my quarantine tank so even though I'd be upset if I bought a sick fish, at least I'll know I'm doing things right on my part. The only physical signs I saw are the whitish areas where some of the slime and/or scales seem to have come off. I'm not sure if that was post-mortem as I did not notice it yesterday. I really liked this fish and hope to have better luck with a future specimen. The fish is now in a zippie in the freezer in case anyone here does post-mortems.