I have a standard 75 with about 60-70 lbs of LR. I just cured about 55 lbs of LR that has alot of biodiversity id be adding to the 75. I also only have 2 ocellaris clownfish and a royal gramma I plan on getting rid of. I was thinking about trying a copperband after being really unsuccessful twice before. My nitrates are 0 and im almost sure my phosphates are 0 since I barely have a bioload feeding 3 tiny fish. I also plan on adding 4 inches of sand to my 3"sand bed. The first two times I tried a copperband was when the 75 was a fowlr. I have two lfs that have very big and healthy copperbands. Im still unsure about the status of copperbands being reef safe. I have alot of zoas, acans, dendros, candy canes, frogspawn, ricordea, and kenya tree. Im basically asking if a copperband can live happily in my 75 based on my tank specs and if they are reef safe.