I tryo leaving my net in the tank so they get used to it i feed them flakes and they usually come up to take them but not with the net. They aint dumb for small fish...hahaha i tryed moving some rocks around but they are so small they go in all sorts of openings...will a trap work??
get a flash light ready. turn off all the lights in the room i'm talking about the lights on the digital clock too. while pitch dark, the fish will get disoriented or follow the flash light.
IMO best method is using fish trap. I highly recommend The Trap made by ultralife. I have tried many methods to catch fish( fish net, soda bottle, red laser pointer, and even went fishing in the tank) but all failed. This product makes catching a fish very easy. Caught my demon possessed domino damsel and dusky wrasse fish in less than 5mins.