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Brooklyn, NY
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Well it seems like this seasonally available and uncommon anthid has begun to show up again in the trade in recent weeks. I am curious how people who acquired them last time around have done with them? My experience is as follows:

This is a fish that needs to acclimated carefully. They often suffer from swim bladder issues related to capture and improper handling. I isolated my individual in a container in the display system with some algae so it had something to hold onto if it wanted and where the other tank inhabitants could see it and get used to it's presence. I slowly added small amounts of frozen mysis to the container and by the 3rd day it was eating them, but was still extremely shy.

After a week, I felt comfortable releasing it into the main display where it was not bothered by other tankmates, but still hid for most of the day. It would spend most of the time in a nose down position that I thought indicated a continued swim blader issue, but I then noticed that when the lights went out, it righted itself easily and swam effortlessly around the tank. It seems the nose down posture is a normal defensive stance.

Over the course of the coming months it became less and less shy, and was what I would term an aggressive eater, greedily taking frozen and pellets and even flake foods. Then, one day, about 6months in captivity after I innocently rearranged a few rocks, it stopped eating completely, refused to come out and perished over the course of a few weeks.

Why ? Who knows, but I would like to hear from others about their experiences. If nothing else, I think it wise to treat these fish delicately particularly in the beginning as we have little long term husbandry information on them.


Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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I'll let you guys know once my school arrives tomorrow... But I was really hoping to reda some more on this thread... I dropped my school of deepsea bartletts for borbonius'... My school is in copper now for about a week they should be pretty good tomorrow, I hope.. But they came in great off the plane and ate pellets after the first 5 hours...
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Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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Bartletts aren't even really schooling fish either.. If that's the case.. But as long as they don't get to aggressive I think they should be fine.. If they cross that line and start killing each other than the aggressor will be looking for a new home,,lol..


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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I'll throw in a few :)

I started with 2 which as Randy stated, very shy for a week or two. They were doing well until I decided to add an additional 5. This is where the original 2 were very territorial and much larger in size. In a 4' tank, there is no schooling. Seems like the largest dominates and the remaining will avoid but they also chase among themselves.
Lost one from what looked like a swim bladder issue and lost a second shortly thereafter from tile surfing. (was probably chased by a larger one)
So now we have 5 that are doing well for 4-5 months. No schooling, but not overly aggressive to each other. Then on about the 6th month, I started noticing that the largest borb had an eye infection which resulted in pop-eye syndrome and stopped eating. It eventually died a few weeks later. This occurred in succession with another 2 borbs and now I have two :)

I also noticed that their bright coloration kind of fades on me after time, anyone else notice this?


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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<3 palytoxin
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When you pick these guys up, you just have to be real careful making sure that they do not have any flukes or flatworm infections. Even if they seem to be eating readily, white cotton like substance on their gills or fins - or tore fins usually indicate infections. QT process is usually long and many of them do not survive the course.

I've had my trio for *about* a year now. I started with about eight or nine, lost majority of them during a QT process. They were super sensitive to FW dips, and melachite green - but what fish isn't? Unless these guys are purchased through LiveAquaria or other reputable sources that QT their livestock for a prolonged period of time, there's a 99% chance that the wild ones are infected with some sort of parasites because sometimes symptoms do not show for weeks or months even. As long as you start off with a healthy one, they are extremely hardy, adapt well to the warmer temperature, and grows at an alarming rate as well. I'm hoping to add three or four more once I upgrade.


michael stern

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new rochelle
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It's nuts...................

I will say it here :)
My original 2 were $69 a piece when the collector in Bali wasn't even sure what type of anthias these were. Now they are in the $175 (http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/aquatic-express/49932-borbonius-anthias-cheap.html) - $450 (http://reefermadness.us/Holanthias-borbonius-25-Anthias.47.1902.3.htm) range, nuts...............

But I'll also admit that 15 yrs ago, they were a $600 fish.

Suppliers in Bali aren't stupid.
They see the demand. Undoubtedly, they surf the net and see what US retailers charge (reefermadness had them listed at $1200 last season). My FOB cost is 7x what that first batch cost.
It's not nuts, simple supply and demand economics.


Advanced Reefer
Warren, VT
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I bought one about 15 months ago from a LFS in LA. I couldn't find them anywhere but he was able to call his supplier in Hawaii and had 2 shipped to his store. He then let them settle for a fews days and shipped the smaller one to me. He hardly came out and never really ate and died. This past summer I noticed Live Aquaria had a few that had been quarantined for weeks (so they say). Anyway, this dude never hid and was an agreesive feeder right off the bat. Great fish.


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