Sohal is beating up Asfur, help
I got a beautiful 4" Asfur from NYAquatics (thanks Michael!). My Sohal tang is not playing nice though. I have a 125g; the sohal is 6+" from tip to tail. I was thinking about either trading the sohal for a smaller sohal tang (if anybody is interested lmk), adding someother fish to avert aggression, or taking the sohal out, putting him in solitary confinement for a few days are re-releasing him.
The other fish I have in the system is 1 4" semilivartus and pair of clowns and school of chromis, and a 6line.
I realize that the sohal and angel fish willl outgrow the system one day and will deal with that when the time arrives, but for the time being can anyone offer any suggestions on how to deal with the bully? Thanks.
I got a beautiful 4" Asfur from NYAquatics (thanks Michael!). My Sohal tang is not playing nice though. I have a 125g; the sohal is 6+" from tip to tail. I was thinking about either trading the sohal for a smaller sohal tang (if anybody is interested lmk), adding someother fish to avert aggression, or taking the sohal out, putting him in solitary confinement for a few days are re-releasing him.
The other fish I have in the system is 1 4" semilivartus and pair of clowns and school of chromis, and a 6line.
I realize that the sohal and angel fish willl outgrow the system one day and will deal with that when the time arrives, but for the time being can anyone offer any suggestions on how to deal with the bully? Thanks.
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