I bought a Radiant wrasse a couple of weeks ago & never saw it since, I was in a LFS & saw the chance to replace him last sunday, then I came down to feed yesterday & saw this......
This is not abnormal either. Sometimes wrasses that bury in he sand have their internal clocks messed up and it takes them a few days to adjust to the day/night cycle in their new homes. This is particularly true for Leopard wrasses ( Marcropharyngodon sp.) It is entirely possible your 1st radiant was busy swimming about in the middle of the night.
Sometimes wrasses that bury in he snad have their internal clocks messed up and it takes them a few days to adjust to the day/night cycle in their new homes.
Very true...
I did notice this with my Radiants.
When first introduced, they would be the 1st to disappear......way before my lights went out.
A few weeks later, they stay up with the rest of the crew....:goldfish2