Blue throats are one of the "reef safe w/ caution" triggers. The triggers with an upturned mouth are planktonic feeders and should be fairly peaceful in a reef tank. When they get bigger they can start to eat shrimp and some other stuff sometimes.
Your clams and gorgonia(if you have any) will most likely be in danger. I had a niger and pink tail, both sampling my monti cap nipping my clam and demolishing my purple gorgonia. I learned my lesson, never put a trigger in a reef tank. Sure there a some that are model citizens but what if they're not? I'm not taking that risk again.
I've (1ucky's bro) had mine for about four months now. I would say he's been fine. I have SPS, and mainly softies with no problems so far. Lets cross our fingers, lol...but he's been feeling a bit sick lately. He looks really weak and has been staying in the bottom left corner for two days now. He doesn't even want to eat. What could be wrong?