For that money I can hatch my own...:knockedou:smokin:
actually u can buy ghost shrimp at the store on 86st bt 17 18 ave
But ussually they are already too big for the pipe to devour.
the best advice that "I" can give u is to get baby brine frozen hekari, and like some 1 else said breed pods and just pollute ur tank with pods, pods podspodspsdopsdopsodpsodpsodpsods
Pipe fish are only going to eat live stuff. Either get them lots of pods or start hatching brine shrimp. Brine shrimp have very limited nutrition and must be eaten within about 6 hours of hatching to have any value. After that you have to feed them in order to have some nutritional value. It is not hard to hatch brine fish. I do it just to give my fish a live snack a couple times a week. They really love chasing after them. Rainfordi are also picky and may not eat non live food and will starve in your tank unless there are lots of live stuff in your sand. The might pick on rock but mainly they sift sand. So if you do not have a fuge where pods can multiply the chances are the fish will eat all the live stuff (to a point where they do not reproduce quick enough) and then the fish begin to starve. Same as with mandarins.