After much consideration i finally decided on getting a black tang instead of a bandit angel. Here is pic's of the cute little bugger. He's about 2 1/2".
Yeah, unfortunately, I think it's a scopas. The squiggly lines on the bodies are distinctively scopas. Z.rostratum are jet black without any patterns. I think you need to talk to whoever sold you this fish and try to get the situation rectified. It is a beautiful tang though, but not the one you paid for
I'd have to agree, it looks like a scopas for a couple of reasons.
1) The true black tang (z.rostratum) usually has a green tinge running down it's dorsal fin.
2) It also has a longer nose than the scopas. (a bit longer than the one pictured)
He is a black tang i know that because he was sold to me from a good friend of mine that lives on chrismass island. Also these pics of him are when he was just put in the tank after a 15 hour flight from chrismass island before i turned out the lights.
The new pics do resemble a black tang a lot more. But be aware: Z.scopas's distribution extends to the Christmas Islands as well, where they may sometimes hybridize with Z.rostratum. As your specimen grows, it will be more clear what species (or hybrid) you have.
FYI: Juvenile Z.rostratum and Z.rostratum at night do not have the patterns that your fish exhibit. I have had 3 specimens in the last couple decades, including a tiny 1" specimen.
Whatever the fish is, it looks healthy and excellent. My only concern for you is if you paid a black tang price and this turned out to be a scopas or hybrid of the two species.