Thunder went in my reef, and immediately went exploring. It was so funny watching him, I thought these guys just lay around. Not Thunder! He was all over the place, in and out of caves.
ur very my experience the most well known blenny of MR...glad hes in such a good home (and not taking any ooos and ahhs from my wrasses anymore)lol
prob my last sale as hun
Not in this case :dog:. I've got this feeling if I try to put any one else in there, the others will be swimming around striking with tinie little signs .
Wow i am going to miss thunder in Mike's tank i guess i will have to bring my lazy ass to Awilda's house to see him there. Thunder is a great fish and dont hate Mike. :lol2:
Yes I do! Mostly caps & a patchy which Thunder is trying to knock off of it's perch. And that one green polyp one next to Thunder, what ever it is called that another MR family member gave me(and it is keeping it's color). I don't really like the sticks, but I have to admit there are some really nice ones that I do like.:wink1: