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Belonoperca pylei

Check these guys out, if you want one they are only 3K each.

Bet they don't last long.


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Several years back, I had the privelage to keep the first specimen collected from micronesia in my aquarium. This has to be one of the most amazing fish I have ever keep, observed, or heard of in an aquarium. If there is any fish in the world that can be compared to a puppy dog, this is the one. It was more like a pet than any fish that I have seen. I had it for several months before it was sacrificed and deposited in the museum (I only had the opportunity to house the fish, it was never mine).

For that period of time, this fish was very hardy. It ate readily from my hand and adapted to the aquarium environment immediately. It can have a voracious appetitie eating other small fish and lots of frozen shrimp.

It has this great behavior (as fish sometimes do) where it does a jaw stretch. It seems to do it constitently and I never got tired of watching it.

Go to twilightaquatics.com and on the header row, click the picture of the Belanoperca. They have species info about it. In the upper right corner, there is a short video of it. You can watch this behavior in the video as well as it eating a live shrimp.

All I can say is that this is one of the most amazing fish I have ever seen.


spawner":146rkpvf said:


Belonoperca pylei

Check these guys out, if you want one they are only 3K each.

Bet they don't last long.


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Very cool. :D

I like that Cirrhilabrus earlei. They look very similar to Conniella apterygia. I've always wondered why it's not more commonly sold.

C. apterygia

C. earlei


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Matt, I got some C.earleis from Twilight (thanks Brian!). Those are the fish I mentioned in Dan's thread. Heck, I was tempted by the Dr Seuss fish but my sanity (and my shrimps pleading for their lives) got the better of me.


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BTW, C.earleis are found at 60-100m in palau ..... you should know why they aren't sold more :P

I've never heard of C.apterygia. I wonder if it's an inproper name for C.earlei.


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Len":2339fatd said:
BTW, C.earleis are found at 60-100m in palau ..... you should know why they aren't sold more :P

I've never heard of C.apterygia. I wonder if it's an inproper name for C.earlei.

I meant C. apterygia. It's the correct name. They are a monotypic genus, and pretty much identical to Cirrhilabrus. The only difference: They don't have ventral fins, unlike any other wrasse. They are sometimes called "Mutant wrasse" for this reason. :D

I had thought they had a wide range for some reason. But I just looked it up and they're only found in a very small range and in deep water.


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Len":366x8skl said:
Matt, I got some C.earleis from Twilight (thanks Brian!). Those are the fish I mentioned in Dan's thread. Heck, I was tempted by the Dr Seuss fish but my sanity (and my shrimps pleading for their lives) got the better of me.

Jealous!!!!!! Did you get a harem? I want pics when you get them!


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Matt, thanks for the info. Never knew about that fish. It's definitely similiar (and probably more rare :P)

I got a mated pair :) I convinced Nico to get a harem of Johnsonis since they stay small. Didn't take much convincing actually


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You guys are making me want a fish for my 40 gallon...STOP IT!

For those that don't know, those jerks Len & Nico got me hooked on the whole 'rare fish' thing in the first place.




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Its only 3K man, only a 2-3 in the US, now that is rare, after you get Dr. Suess settled in, you can flight them out to pick up you a nice peppermint pygmy. If I was a rare fish guy with some extra cash Dr. Suess would be on the top of my list. Even since MO'04 I've wanted one, but they would have to provide a good lawyer to go with the fish and some temp. housing for me and my fish tank.

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