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ROFL it's just a misbar. ORA sells those separately and cheaper than the ones with perfect stripe formation. I am sometimes amazed at what retailers will name things just to drive sales. If you put a weird name on anything people will buy it.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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LA has been gettin out of control with their ORA markups lately. But this "teardrop clown" takes the cake. The must think they are the only one in the country who gets ORA stuff :rolleyes: It's pretty sad when Absolutely Fish is cheaper than the "diver's den"


OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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Yeah I was just laughing with someone about this. Years ago you couldn't sell these. They were mis-barred clowns and if memory serves were a sign that they were captive bred. They usually went for half price or a little less.


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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Just think for a sec,
You have misbarred ocellaris clowns and you attempt to breed them to a certain spec ie; 1/2 bar, no bar.
ORA probably did this with the naked clown which has no bars from head to tail and it is a very limited supply now.

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