:?: I have a large (about 10 inches) Oscar that keeps getting white spots on his fins and is loosing scales in patches over his body. He has also had "hole in the head" disease twice. I have cleaned his tank religiously, used commercial preparations such as "complete Remedy", got Ereuthromycin (sp) from my vet and used that in his water, and am now considering trying Quinine. Only problem is that I live in a small town with no pet store anywhere within a 100 miles and have to count on my veterinarian to provide me with drugs to try to use in his tank. Does anyone have any idea what causes him to have all these problems and possibly any idea on how to cure him??? I have Quinine that was prescribed as human medication but I am unsure of the dosage or if I could use that at all. What I have is 250mg. tablets. Thanks, Connie