Hello marine mania, i want to know are this species is easy to keep?
1. Chaetodonplus Conspicillatus
2. Queen Angel
3. Golden Butterfly
4. Bandit Angel
5. Regal Angel
6. Rock Beauty
PS. Some say that regal angel are almost impossible to keep for any lenght of time in aquaria, but some say once it eat aquarium food and given the best water quality, this fish is tough for many years. The case is similar to rock beauty, what is you guys comment?
1. Chaetodonplus Conspicillatus
2. Queen Angel
3. Golden Butterfly
4. Bandit Angel
5. Regal Angel
6. Rock Beauty
PS. Some say that regal angel are almost impossible to keep for any lenght of time in aquaria, but some say once it eat aquarium food and given the best water quality, this fish is tough for many years. The case is similar to rock beauty, what is you guys comment?