looks like a ruby head fairy wrasse aka blue sided fairy wrasse to me. i can't tell from the pic, looks like it has a yellow side, in that case, yellow sided fairy
looks like a ruby head fairy wrasse aka blue sided fairy wrasse to me. i can't tell from the pic, looks like it has a yellow side, in that case, yellow sided fairy
That's my problem. It has a golden look to it's sides. Either case the pic doesn't do it justice. It's a very pretty fish. Much more colorful then my other bluesided wrasse I got from slamajama.
hey i just got a fish like that from Coral Factory as well....mine doesn't have the gold on the side but the top fin is yellow....is it still a blue sided fairy wrasse...
It is in fact ( according to the Kuiter wrasse book) a Female C. solorensis ( Red headed solar wrasse, solon wrasse etc). I always thought it was C. cyanoplaura too ( blue sided wrasse) but apparently not. Randy
still didnt find a picture with the info u gave me pratt...i notice mine has sort of tiger like stripes on it...don't know if that could be from it being beat up...i'ma try and get a really good pic of it....is does resemble the clown fairy wrasse somewhat....
A pic would definitely help. By the way mine is very hardy, and stood up for it self with the other blue sided I got from slamajama. Actually it is the only wrasse from the initial ones I got. Never hid, just stood his ground.