I found a 50 sheet pack of sushi nori on amazon really cheap... i don't remember but it was less than $20 may have even been less than $10...
Then recently my wife was shopping and saw some sushi nori from a whole food spot and it was like 100 count for very cheap...
Needless to say my 50 sheet bag is still filled and i use large chunks every few days...
Lasts forever...
Regular Human consumption Sushi nori sheets
all of my fish go crazy for the Nori. At first the tangs would only eat it now even my clowns and gobies fights over it. I got 100 sheets on Ebay. I cut them into quarters and that enough for the entire tank each day. so over a years supply was $11.
I fed my fish romaine lettuce twenty years ago when there wasn't that much nutritional information available. Since we have learned that Nori and other natural seaweeds contain so much more nutrients and so that's what I feed my fish and even my turtle. I'll even soak it Vita-chem etc... For an additional boost of vitamins.
When I had tangs I used to feed Nori and different varieties of macro algae from 2 Little Fishies (they had the Red, Green, and Purple types). The tangs always went nuts for the purple one.
With that said, here is a video I took last month with Tangs eating Lettuce at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1whUKNyD6uc