Have a racoon and saddleback in qt now, tank paramaters are good as far as alk ph temp ammonia nitrate and phosphate. had them for almost 2 weeks this friday and when i originally got them within 2 days they were eating frozen not like pigs but were eating frozen, then as time went on they got picky with what pieces of the reef frenzy they were eating,shortly after they decided to stop eating lrs, then i tried black worms which they would eat one or two then want nothing to do with the rest, after a few days of doing that now they want nothing to do with black worms, so i throw a clam on a half shell in there and they are picking on that but after the 2nd or 3rd day of that (different fresh clams obviously) they decide to pick less and less at them. my next move is to grab some muscles if i can find any in less than a 3 lb bag anywhere near my house and to try fine cheese graded frozen squid as recomended by todd gardner (great marine biologist and fish breeder) but as i feel they are just slowly steeping down a slope of no return even though they look great otherwise, was thinking of just not feeding at all for a few days and see where they pick up after that any input?