Hello reefers,
I have 2 baby antennata lionfish each is 2 to 3 inches long. I had them two days ago and since then they have just been hiding in caves or in between rock. They have no eaten anything yet. I offered live fish, pieces of shrimp, and dried krill. I even skewered them and wave them into their faces but they just ignored me.
I have read that there is an acclimation period of lionfish but I don't know when will they "acclimate" and start eating.
Can someone please enlighten me.
thanks and I really appreciate it
I have 2 baby antennata lionfish each is 2 to 3 inches long. I had them two days ago and since then they have just been hiding in caves or in between rock. They have no eaten anything yet. I offered live fish, pieces of shrimp, and dried krill. I even skewered them and wave them into their faces but they just ignored me.
I have read that there is an acclimation period of lionfish but I don't know when will they "acclimate" and start eating.
Can someone please enlighten me.
thanks and I really appreciate it