it's been there a while. SO I bet they can tell if it's healthy by now. They ship quite a few fish. Besides, how much do you really think they paid for it? MAYBE a couple of hundred bucks. For $3000 profit, why not take the 'chance'
Actualy as the years progress more and more gems are coming in. I know of at least 20 + that came in this year, to america that is and thats just what i know of im sure there are more i dont know of. I also know of 20 that came into Taiwan. So gradualy they will come in more from africa where they are found from Mauratius (cant speel the rite)Most do not get here though, many find there way to Europe countries like Belgum, Holand, Geramny and of course they go to Aisa, i.e places like Taiwan or Japan, etc.
on the site it is 3k+ but this past year i was offered one for $900, so i know already prices will be goin down (turned that down btw )
aparentlly there is only one guy who catches or exprts them and he knows he can demand a high price and therfore sell them to ratailiers for $650- $750 a piece. Although they do sometimes scam ppl, as i have heard of a group who tried to purchase and payed in adavced and they were shippped all dead gem tangs. What can ya do?
Also many many many die in transit ):
As the years progress, more and more will come in and the price.....Just like Non indo or jap Acans, which were seemingly impsible to get 10 years ago.