i purchased a pair but sadly the male didn't make it i have had them for a while and i bought another male and they look like they paired up but no spawnin yet but they twich at each other lols and some how i woke up this mornin and she found the torch or somthing -=)
hey sam, where did you get that perc, i have been looking for a while for a nice one??
and yes, sometimes clowns host in the frogspawn or torches and sometimes stresses it out too much.
hey sam, where did you get that perc, i have been looking for a while for a nice one??
and yes, sometimes clowns host in the frogspawn or torches and sometimes stresses it out too much.
uHhh ooOh!! that doesnt sound good -=T i got lucky and i found a pair of the onxy blk percs but i lost one in Qt it was breathing hard and not eatting after a day or two mabe it was sh0oked to a retard? no idea i've tryed so hard find a small blk onxy in hope of a male but the luck was i couldn't even find any~!!! and i just got a tank raised true perc. If they ever attemp to breed i would attemp to raise! so if i could get 2 out of a 1000 to survive its got ur name on them!!! output sometimes means greater input! and i will remember bro! other then that i really can't help u much on findin them