- Location
- North Jersey
Hello, once again.
I am kind of in a dilemma, man made or not, however I was seeking someone who may be able to help me.
Long story, really short, is I have a 155 fowlr with quite a few fish in it. Over the past month I added some medium sized angelfish, and one by one they perished. I initially attributed it to angelfish being hard to keep, and not having perfect water quality. (nitrates are 100). So I implemented some ecoback bio pellets in a reactor, about 3 weeks ago. Another two of my angelfish started showing the same signs the others, that died, had. These were cloudy eyes, frayed fins, and loss of eating. So I had enough, and decided to dose tank with prazi pro. Well within two days, the eyes cleared up the fish started eating again, and I am now in day 8. The only negagtive sign I see if my blue face who had a clouded eye, now has what looks like miscolored patches behind his pectoral fins. Not sure if flukes can cause this, but I am going to let it go for now.
So when using pellets, a good skimmer is important from what ive read. But obviously, I had to turn skimmer and uv off while using prazi pro. I started the prazi last sunday, waited 4 days (accelerated the process by one day, hikari said it would be fine) and did a 30 percent water change, redosed prazi again. So my water is not that polluted from not running skimmer. My plan is to run prazi for remaining two days, which will give me 11 days total treatment time. At that time, I will perform a 50 percent water change, and drop in some carbon.
Question is, how quickly can I place my skimmer back on line? And secondly, would you run one more 4 day prazi dose, and forfeit the skimmer further, or would 11 days be enough?
Thanks, and I know it is a jumbled question, but I am trying to keep pellets cycled , not pulling them offline, all the while treat the tank what appears was flukes.
I am kind of in a dilemma, man made or not, however I was seeking someone who may be able to help me.
Long story, really short, is I have a 155 fowlr with quite a few fish in it. Over the past month I added some medium sized angelfish, and one by one they perished. I initially attributed it to angelfish being hard to keep, and not having perfect water quality. (nitrates are 100). So I implemented some ecoback bio pellets in a reactor, about 3 weeks ago. Another two of my angelfish started showing the same signs the others, that died, had. These were cloudy eyes, frayed fins, and loss of eating. So I had enough, and decided to dose tank with prazi pro. Well within two days, the eyes cleared up the fish started eating again, and I am now in day 8. The only negagtive sign I see if my blue face who had a clouded eye, now has what looks like miscolored patches behind his pectoral fins. Not sure if flukes can cause this, but I am going to let it go for now.
So when using pellets, a good skimmer is important from what ive read. But obviously, I had to turn skimmer and uv off while using prazi pro. I started the prazi last sunday, waited 4 days (accelerated the process by one day, hikari said it would be fine) and did a 30 percent water change, redosed prazi again. So my water is not that polluted from not running skimmer. My plan is to run prazi for remaining two days, which will give me 11 days total treatment time. At that time, I will perform a 50 percent water change, and drop in some carbon.
Question is, how quickly can I place my skimmer back on line? And secondly, would you run one more 4 day prazi dose, and forfeit the skimmer further, or would 11 days be enough?
Thanks, and I know it is a jumbled question, but I am trying to keep pellets cycled , not pulling them offline, all the while treat the tank what appears was flukes.