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I bought an a orange clown fish I believe it said it was tank raised .I bought him on the small side because my brother was giving me a black female clown fish that came with a used tank that he purchased on craiglist .Well I put the orange clown in the 10 gallon tank first ,I picked up the black one a few days later and added her to the tank,the first day no problem the next day it started charging the small guy a little ,but now it's almost 24/7.I just done some reading on it I read that this is normal when they are pairing up but is it possible that they are not compatible ,the black clown is all black I have not seen this type in my local fish stores ,the ones I have seen that are black have a orange face.i don't see any fin damage or anything like that but the black one is bigger and defiantly a female ,the little guy spends most of day by the heater ,and gets harassed and chased away even when eating.


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The black one is definitely bigger is that the reason u think they won't pair up or because of the color. I felt bad for the little guy so I removed the black one from the tank ,I put him in this Hagen hang on back container that I was going to put micro alge in ,the tank water runs through it with an air pump so think he should be alright until I decide what to do .


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Mohegan lake
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I have currently 3 clowns in my tank..2 orange and a black. The black clown is paired with a orange and the black is much bigger. The other orange clown hangs out on the opposite side of the tank.. Give it time and see what happens


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I don't think it is color... but it is posable they are Ocellaris and Percula, and thats why they don't get along

That's what I thought it might be ,I read something last night about one way to tell them apart is by counting the dorsal fins ,but I can't tell they are always moving around ,I tried taking a pic of them but my camera is not good enough to get a clear shot ,need a dslr.I hope if I buy another orange clown that I buy the right one,I think he is an ocellaris because he does not have very dark lines from what I can tell by looking at him.

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