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A Little Annoyed!
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Well I lost a tang to what I thought was ICH, fish died pretty fast. I got out a male anthias and also a goby!

Now one of the female anthias goes missing. I kinda thought that it jumped.

But now the other female anthias does not look right. It has this sheen to it.

Could it be velvet?? Can see it better under blue lights, but something not right..






Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I had this stuff pretty much wiped out 95% of my fish. Most of the fish I lost were angels and anthias. The only one that survived was my radiant wrasse. I was treating with ridich for two weeks but fish kept on dying. I finally used Seachem cupermin this seemed to do the trick. Since the masacar. I have a golden dwarf angel she is still alive. I think this parasite is finally under control or gone. Like you I was not sure ich or velvet. All I know is it wiped my tank out in over a two week period. I wish you well and definitely try the cupermin if you can. It will definitely affect your inverts.


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Staten Island
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yes it looks similar but not sure cause from what I read velvet will kill within 24 to 48 hours. Question is the fish swimming were the current of the water is. Or by a power head stream. My fish seem to all have done the same before dying. From what I have read they were using the stream to oxygenate there gills. I tried to fresh water bath a few but this parasite was nasty. Dip did not work


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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dude I hate to say it but you seem to have the same thing I had. How many fish are in the tank. This will kill them within two weeks. I would yank this fish out and quarantine, if you can. If not then get a quick quarantine up and running. Do not make the same mistake I made it cost me about $1500 in fish. I was pissed but nothing I could do worked fast enough. I am sure that this fish will not make it. I hope you get some other feed back as I am not an expert but I definitely know this stuff is a killer. My started when I got my scribbled angel from live aquaria. I requested a small 2 to 3 inch fish. They sent me a monster what I mean by monster is the fish was 6 inches. This was way to big for my 57 gal tank which already had 5 angels all 2 to 3 inches.


A Little Annoyed!
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well i lost a naso tang already, and another female anthias. i have a male anthias and a goby in qt right now. but i medicated them with copper, not sure if that well help them. I need to pick up cuprimine

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A Little Annoyed!
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Well woke up this morning and fish looks horrible. It has to be velvet, fish was breathing hard and was lying on a piece of rock. I had to get to work so I was not able to get it out. I expect the fish to not make it until I get home today.

The only plus side, I even hate saying that is, that it is the only fish left in the tank. So from today on, it will be fallow for prob 10 weeks..

If I get home and cannot find the fish cause it died in the rocks, can the parasite live off a dead fish for a bit. I don't think that it could, but I have to ask.

I know that I will have to keep an eye on the levels closely, i will probably do some small water changes every day to make sure that the levels don't get out of wack.


Mt Sinai, NY
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Sorry to hear. I went thru velvet back in Oct. Lost all my fish except for a tomato clown.
When u posted that pic of the tang, I thought it might have been velvet, due to how fast it progressed.

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A Little Annoyed!
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Sorry to hear. I went thru velvet back in Oct. Lost all my fish except for a tomato clown.
When u posted that pic of the tang, I thought it might have been velvet, due to how fast it progressed.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

You are RIGHT!!! You did ask, but I guess that it did not show the velvet appearance. Guess it died before that.

The anthias this morning looked like total crap. I tried a couple times to get it out, but didn't have time. :(


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Lost my tank to velvet. Why am I hearing more about it lately? Well when you notice labored or rapid breathing. You know it's serious. Sorry 35 been there only good thing is wont effect your corals or shrimp. Good luck. Word of the day qt qt qt


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I am not 100% sure. First tang got it and died. That fish was qt'd and medicated before I bought it. I did add a goby and pistol without qt! I know don't lecture!

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Nope you won't hear it from me. Fish go on sale today and i'm thinking twice about buying because i don't have a Qt setup .


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
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Nope you won't hear it from me. Fish go on sale today and i'm thinking twice about buying because i don't have a Qt setup .

I did have a QT, but I was stupid!

Now I have 2 fish left. But if it is velvet I need to get the QT medicated since not sure if copper is the right thing to treat velvet with. But the fish in there seem to be fine.

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