gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I have the sro 1000. I pluged it in this morning for the first time but it over fluded in about 30 seconds do I tune it in? Is there a specific water level it's suppose to be? I haven't played with it I just turned it off. But when I get home I plan to play with it... Anyone that has this skimmer had this happen?Any tips? Thanks in advanced .


Old School Reefer
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450   2   0
Open the gate valve all the way (completely counter clockwise). This will release all the backpressure from the skimmer body & neck.

Then you can slowly turn the gate valve clockwise. This will close the valve and slowly start raising the water level in the skimmer body.

When the water level in the skimmer body reaches approximately 3"-4" above the lettering leave it and see where the bubbles/foam reaches. Slowly turn the gate valve clockwise to raise the water level and consequently the foam higher in the body and neck into the collection cup.


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